Sunday, March 15, 2015

Being a Book-Smart Jew (Literally)

I've always liked to think that I have grown up as a fairly well-educated Jew. I attend Hebrew School to this day, I became a Bar Mitzvah, went to Jewish summer camp forever, and grew up in a very Jewish home with a Rabbi as a father. Despite all my knowledge and experience, one thing I've found is that there is actually a lot I didn't know, and I'm glad I have now have a better understanding of certain things. For example, the several different Jewish texts always confused me (they still do, but a little less). We have the Tanakh, Torah, Talmud, Mishnah, Gemara, Pirke Avot, and the list goes on. Fortunately, I feel like I have a clearer understanding of the different books and texts, what they are, who wrote them, where/when they come from, and why they're important. Learning about the texts has been very interesting and fun, and I feel like a more educated and informed Jew. This is by far not the only thing I've learned about in Jewish History that I enjoyed learning or that I felt was important for me to know, but it was one topic that I particularly wanted to learn more about. I know I still don't really understand it all, and I probably never will. But I now know enough to feel intelligent and have a basic understanding of the laws of my religion. That's a pretty cool feeling.

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