Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bringing Camp Traditions to Israel

As I wrote about last week, I miss camp. After 14 summers at Eisner Camp, I was not at camp last summer, and I'm very excited to go back. Two things we did recently have added immensely to that excitement. 

Last Friday, we had song session. In addition to being very fun and rewarding (watching people have fun because of something you created is a wonderful feeling), it reminded me of Eisner. At camp, we have song session every Friday night, and it has always been one of my favorite parts of camp. Something about the atmosphere of 1,000 people all jumping, singing, and having fun together is magical. I love song session, and being able to have a camp-style song session here brought me back to Eisner, and made me even more excited for this upcoming summer. 

The second thing we did was our mini Maccabbiah on Yom HaAtzmaut. We have Maccabbiah every summer at Eisner, and those four days are some of the best at camp. Being able to get in teams by color, play sports, cheer for our team, and do different ridiculous relay races reminded me a lot of Eisner Maccabbiah, and again made me excited to go back. Being able to experience different Eisner-esque things while here has greatly enhanced EIE. It's allowed me to reminisce and participate in some of my favorite camp activities while in Israel and with different people. It's been truly awesome, and as I've mentioned once or twice, it's made me quite ready to return this summer!

1 comment:

  1. I've never been to camp, and that's a huge regret of mine. I know what you mean about incorporating parts of your life at home into EIE. My main activity is sports and I'm also really active in my school. We do a sports competition at the end of spirit week every year and that's exactly what our Macabia games felt like.
