Friday, April 24, 2015

Etgar Keret stories provide a fun way to learn about Israeli culture

Even though we are living in Israel, the EIE program does not include too much about Israeli culture. We've obviously learned a lot about music, food, and other cultural aspects from our counselors and just from being here, but we could be learning more. This is not a complaint or criticism, just a reality of the program. Because we're isolated from Israeli society, the little things our staff do for us to introduce us to different aspects of Israeli culture are great, and one of these things has been reading Etgar Keret books in Jewish History class. In addition to being fun and interesting to read, I have learned a lot about Israel from the stories.

For one thing, the sense of humor in this country is very interesting, and is definitely an acquired taste. The stories include death, sex, masturbation, drugs and alcohol-definitely not light topics. However, the stories are written in a certain tone that does lighten the dark humor. One of the things that has struck me the most is how such taboo subjects are so common and nonchalant. You wouldn't find too many humorous stories in America about murder and other twisted topics like the ones in the Etgar Keret stories. Not only has reading the stories been an enjoyable preview of Israeli culture, but it has shown us a lot about Israelis too. In a country with a hard history full of violence and sadness, it's very interesting that death is a "funny" topic. Humor is a way to cope, and it's been very cool to experience this part of Israeli society.

1 comment:

  1. Etgar Keret has also become one of my new favorite authors. The dark humor definitely reflects Israeli culture in a way that you said. Do you feel that way? Because for me, well I have that dark sense of humor. That's why I love his writing and Israel, the humor. It's something very different than American culture.
