Sunday, February 15, 2015

We could all use a little more Shabbat in our lives

                Of the many ways that my daily life has changed since I’ve been in Israel, without a doubt, my favorite part has been Shabbat. School days can (and do) get monotonous, and after a while, the days blend together. Wake up, school, homework, sleep. Repeat. Not any different than my life at home. But when Friday comes, it all changes. In addition to the T’fillot, which I love, the weekends here are just so relaxing and refreshing. Being able to really spend several hours doing absolutely nothing after a long week of school is magical. Last weekend, my friends and I found a nice sunny spot of grass to lay in, listened to music, and just relaxed and took in the beautiful day. I don’t know about other teenagers, but I definitely do not do that at home. Being able to just let all the stress go and take a break is a really healthy and important thing, and it's something I have thoroughly enjoyed since I've been here. The attitude on Shabbat in this country is so unique, and it's been really cool to see how the entire country just stops and collectively relaxes for two days. The three Shabbats we've been here for have been awesome (especially leading Havdalah and a Saturday morning service), and I cannot wait for many, many more relaxing, fun, and refreshing Shabbats in the months to come. If only it could be Shabbat every day...

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