Monday, May 11, 2015

Hearing the Other Side: Meeting a Palestinian Man

Last night, we met with a Palestinian man (whose name I unfortunately do not know), and it was very interesting. I had never met a Palestinian before, and it was really cool to hear the other perspective. There were a few things in particular that he said that stood out to me.

The first thing that he said that made an impression on me was that he is against a two-state solution, and believes that the best solution for the conflict is to establish one, bi-national state. It seems to me that most Jews believe that a two-state solution would be in the best interests of both Israel and Palestine. I did not, however, have any idea what Palestinians want. Now I know that he does not represent all Palestinians, but even hearing just one perspective was really interesting. He believes that having one state would work because all both sides want is peace, and if we had one state, there wouldn't be violence. If only.

His other point was about Palestinians’ views of Israel and Jews. I asked him if he sees a difference between being anti-Israel and anti-Semitic in the Palestinian community, because I’ve noticed that especially in America, the two get blurred together quite often. He answered with a resounding no. He said that Palestinians do not understand that being against Israel and being anti-Semitic are not the same thing, and that the hatred for Israel and Jews is often one in the same.

Overall, hearing the man speak was very interesting to me. I don’t know if I’ll ever have the opportunity to meet a Palestinian again, so I’m grateful for this experience, and I definitely learned a lot!

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