Monday, May 4, 2015

NFTY Bringing Me the Feels

This weekend is NFTY Northeast Senior Kallah. It's a weekend event for upperclassmen only, and it includes Senior Havdalah, pass-downs and board installations, and in general, the seniors' last event. Throughout EIE so far, for the most part, the only times I've truly been homesick or thought about wanting to be home was when there was a NFTY event going on. This weekend in particular will evoke such feelings.

NFTY is my life. I've been fully active in both my temple youth group and NFTY Northeast since the beginning of my freshman year, I've been on my TYG board every year, I've missed only a few events in three years, and next year I will serve on Northeast's Executive Board. You could say I'm pretty involved. So this weekend, where many of my friends will say goodbye to NFTY for the final time, where I will be installed on Board, and where all of my best friends will be together at my favorite place, Eisner, I will be missing home. NFTY is incredibly important to me, and I wish with all my heart that I could be there this weekend. This does not mean even for a second that I want EIE to end or that I'm ready to go home. But it's times like these that make me feel the distance and the fact that I've been gone for three months. My heart is here, but I'll certainly be thinking of home this weekend.

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